Repair Vineyard Trellis : rejoin wires
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Trellis Maintenance
Vineyard trellis is extremely crucial in the success of vineyard farming. Since plants grow on trellises, these structures can be subjected to a lot of elements that could eventually lead trellises to break down. Here are some of the causes of trellis damage:
The extreme temperatures caused by weather changes cause the structural integrity of a trellis to deteriorate. Rain and sun can cause a lot of damage to these structures as well. Sudden changes in temperatures can significantly affect the structure of trellises.
Crawling plants rest on trellises. Vines can get really heavy and could eventually cause trellises to collapse. Even the trellises that are built to support a considerable amount of weight can collapse after some time if plants grow unevenly around the structure.
-Wear and tear
Just like any structure, trellises are susceptible to damage due to wear and tear. Even well-built trellises will eventually succumb to the problems caused by wear and tear. That is why it is extremely important to inspect them regularly.
Vineyard Trellis Repair
Repairing a trellis covered in vines and branches is hard. However, with the right tools and the right skills, it can definitely be done. As there are different types of trellises, there will also be different ways to repair them. For vineyard trellises, here are some problems and ways to repair or hinder them.
1. Rejoining broken wires
A connector is the best solution for broken wires. We’ve found that Gripple wire joiner/connector works best. It is also used to safely tuck the ends of wire to minimize injuries. Watch the video above to see how it works.

Repair Vineyard Trellis : clamps, metal conjoiner – repair systems
2. Use trellis repair clamps and clips
Trellis repair clamps are the most commonly used tools when it comes to repairing trellises. Whether you used bamboo, wood, or steel pencil rod, there’s a limit to their lifespan. If your bamboo rods or wood stakes split, it’s possible to use repair clamps to reinforce them (use longer or bigger ones than the one in the photo).
Metal trellises can corrode overtime. To reinforce metal trellises, it is best to use a metal repair system to prolong their use. Depending on the damage, you can place metal conjoiners screwed at either side of the broken pole, if the base is damaged you can reinforce it with a taller, circular conjoiner bounded by screws on each side.
Use hot-dipped galvanized nails or stainless-steel nails and screws if there need be, these are less prone to corrosion.
3. Break strong Winds : Install Windbreaks
Trellis systems can be toppled down when planted in opposition to prevailing winds. The best solution is , of course, to plant rows parallel to prevailing winds. It’s also helpful to install windbreaks – temporarily by using fabric fencing, or permanently by planting trees such as yew, douglas fir, and red cedar. However, consider the distance of the trees from the vines to avoid competition, and over-shading.
Regular inspection and early detection are crucial steps in maintaining vineyard trellises. Repairing the damage before it gets worse can help extend the life of trellises.

image from https://ocloc.com.au metal repair system
Vineyard Farming
Vineyards play a very important role in farming. Different crops require different methods of farming, and vineyards are specialized farms in which certain crops could grow. Vineyards allow grapes and other growing plants or crops to grow freely. Farmers pay special attention to the spaces between crops because crops that grow too close to each other could present a lot of complications. Crops growing too close to each other will compete not only for space, but also water, sun and the countless important minerals from the ground which the crops need for healthy growth.
Vineyard Trellis
Vineyards are designed specifically for crawling crops. Vineyards are constructed in such a way where crops can freely grow without the danger of crops fighting for space. Vineyards have trellises that allow the crops to crawl unhindered. Trellises are very useful since without them, it is almost impossible for vines to grow. Also, when vine grow on the ground, they could eventually cover the farm grounds.
Vineyard trellises organize the growth of crops. Crawling plants will not grow properly without the use of trellises. Without trellises, fruits that grow out of these crops may not survive at all. Fruits that are on the ground can easily be picked up by land animals. They could also be prone to all sorts of crop diseases that are caused by growing too close to the ground.

Repair Vineyard Trellis : gripple connector
Trellis System Recommendation
Because vineyard trellises are so important, farmers always pay close attention to them. When choosing a trellis system, consider the plant variety, the size of the rootstock, and the site of the vineyard as this will play a big role on how long your trellis will last.
You can decide to use bamboo or steel pencil rod as support stake, but steel rods are obviously tougher and will last longer. But bamboo stakes are ok to use for vine support. Also, corrugated rods seems to work better than smooth ones, as the vines tend to hold on to them better.
You can use the high cordon system, which is best for vines that grow upwards, use 1 to 3 wires, with the top wire strung anywhere between 4 and 6 feet above the ground.
You can use the high cordon system, which is best for vines that grow upwards, use 1 to 3 wires, with the top wire strung anywhere between 4 and 6 feet above the ground.
This article was provided by Cyril Rask, a freelance writer who’s fond of writing articles about gardening/farming and other related topics. He has done an in-depth research for Jims Supply while writing this post.
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